Rauma old townhall LEGO

Rauma Old Townhall

I had the idea to build the old town hall of my hometown Rauma with realistic measures when compared to a LEGO Minifigure.

Bricks: about 3200
Size: 51 x 25,5 x 70 (height) cm
on display at Old Copper’s, Rauma, Finland
Design and building: about 60-72h
Designer: Juho

More pics:

Rauman raatihuone Nyyper ja Brander Rauman raatihuone Raatihuone under constructionroof-under-constuction_16485828160_o second-floor-under-construction_16672236082_o 1st-floor-under-constuction_16647289516_o1st-floor-ready_16647292226_o